Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finding UD Middle Schools Homework Online

Yesterday, after Kathy and Terri both couldn't find this for a student, they asked a 7th grader in my gaming club to find it for him.

Some teachers provide information about classwork and homework on the school district's website.  To find it:

1.  On the UDSD homepage, select the school from the drop-down menu at the top.
2.  Once on the school homepage, click "Staff Directory" on the left sidebar.
3.  Click on the alphabet letter that begins the teacher's last name.
4.  Locate the name of the teacher and click on it.
5.  Click on the link labeled "Teacher Page."    (Here is an example of someone who uses the teacher page.)

No wonder we couldn't figure it out!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Crime Statistics: The Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System

This is a great source for state crime information and statistics. You'll find charts as well as statistical maps. You can also set up your own queries. http://ucr.psp.state.pa.us/UCR/ComMain.asp