Monday, August 29, 2011

Cartoon database

The Big Cartoon Database -

Yes, that's right - a database of cartoons. This was reviewed in the June 15, 2011 issue of Library Journal, so I had to check it out. Very searchable, lots of information, wide coverage. If you want to see the actual cartoon, the results are mixed. When I looked at this last week, I found an old Merry Melodies cartoon that I could view for free. Today, I found the pilot for the Jetsons, but it would have cost$1.99 from iTunes (did not check the price from Amazon). An episode of Beetle Bailey (also free) started playing but after the theme song, it was dubbed in Spanish.

Also includes news about current cartoons - like the anticipated title of Cars Three.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Windows Short Cuts

Here's a link to a Swiss Army Knife Librarian post about keyboard shortcuts in Windows.